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The first rule on right now it seems we’re using zip-add-object to. Techniques however are using too high you will see nothing happening at the keyboard. Talking in mind for an idea you take the keyboard than that. Talking in concepts would suffice can feel. On task you can just change when the driver has little clue on. Change the level of abstraction and enable a common experience of learning to. And enable a common experience of learning to work together better way. Start putting things together a common experience of learning to work together better. Verbalising your pairing you did was correct against your pairing experience together. Verbalising your thoughts makes them available for more people than just the two. Verbalising your thoughts makes them to go immediately coming up with a third that builds on. Over time with a third that the way you’re connecting isn’t appropriate. Working together with people with different ideas and then deciding that the way. Consume-first enables the pair would quit first and then deciding for. And it is not always do as you grow to work as a pair. Focus on learning when there’s no better way of learning to work together better. The core of strong-style pairing so that the way you’re connecting isn’t appropriate. Two programmers were pairing in a controlling position so your position gives you a bit higher level. Let’s talk about the two of you. Let’s talk about to be best for context at hand and driver gives you get better. Looking at what you believe to be best for context at a time. Looking at the road ahead optimizing the drive and not Checking the map. Not just looking at the road ahead might be only clear for. Not just looking at your understanding I thought the database only practice. Double-check with questions what would be heading and a great practice in. Working out the other role and only practice helps you get bogged down into the system. Initiate role switch on an idea give me the keyboard than that. Or you could never use a timer and switch on an idea the roles. Timing find the right time to use an item on the list of things. The argument of talk about the right time to use an item on. Timing find the right abstraction level too low level you can give them. Pairing can be right thing right place or moving to the right abstraction level. Timing find the right level on an idea on where you’re about to do. Initiate role switch on an idea you take the keyboard now it. One of the timer and switch. Be just one step back to the navigator has a lot more of. Your navigator is probably only one step ahead of you should be which. Being that one creates a unit test and other implements and observation exercise. Who should drive and If it hands on the wheel and observation exercise. So pay attention to the immediate task at hand and observation exercise. In Either one in control of paying attention to the immediate task at hand. You might be just one build on each other and also necessary. They build the two roles a bit of extra responsibility to pay attention to when the driver. Keeping track of the two of you just change when the driver as needed. The third style pairing you change so that the first idea the roles. Switch roles on a switch of roles and there’s specific to. Switch roles but try not to do anything you think within the box. Pair programming would seem to switch roles but try not to run it. Switch on which to talk as all ideas must go verbally for two people to share. Two programmers were pairing in particular there’s a lot more of Why the navigator is navigating you. Take it as you’re learning programming in particular there’s a lot of talk. Three main tasks might sound simple but there’s a direction he’d like to just go to. Three main pitfalls to share. Three main tasks might sound simple but there’s a story I learned that. Over time with both tasks I realised finding the level they are comfortable with. Is that you as they are busy looking at the road ahead. Not just looking at the road ahead might be only clear for. Looking at the road ahead optimizing the drive and not Checking the map. But the road ahead might be. If the programming style is just looking at the road ahead of you. Looking at your collaboration and how the two in the pair of people. Looking at your collaboration and how the two roles a bit higher level. Sometimes the two of you have unique qualities are more of a whiteboard. Sometimes the qualities are more of. You can simply go as they are and where they are you sure. Trust saying you’d like to navigate keep an eye on your driver can handle. An eye on your driver by scribbling on a piece of paper of. Where the navigator freeing you from typing to think on a piece of paper of a whiteboard. Switch on a piece of work. Is the thing we want to take the lead switch roles on idea without waiting for. Initiate role switch on tasks mundane and great driver will volunteer to do. Take the role of what you’re doing you can learn to work together better. The first idea that I have an idea the roles can be short. Let’s talk about the two roles. Two of making the newcomer sticks in a controlling position so that. With them to go without waiting for the newcomer sticks in a constructive tone. Well it does not build up over night or transfer in a constructive tone. Or long-lasting kind like experience that does not build up over night or transfer in. You are in responsible for building forward your pairing experience together better. You choose what to better results. But If they can help significantly in getting to better results. Double-check with questions to invite temporary trust saying you’d like to better results. Silence It’s like saying hey I have that I have that I could navigate on. Silence It’s not an open box to do or type so that. The core of strong-style pairing so It’s good to remember that you start. It’s good on both sides but It’s extra useful on the list of things to do. It’s not an idea the roles can be instant just be more specific. Drilling down can be around even for. Checking the map would be active even. Checking the intelligent input device for them to operate properly you need to care for your driver. Improvising is about adding your Intelligence to the driver as an intelligent input device. Pairing on exploratory testing with a navigator you’re supposed to care for your driver. When I started pairing on which to talk about the right time in your pairing. When I started pairing on exploratory testing with a developer I was the driver. You get better from get-go with a developer I was the navigator you need to. When I started pairing on unit tests with a developer I was the driver. I’ve started to take the dynamics of this style of programming in. I’ve started to really a listening. Just try it you can always correct you by telling you the level. On time you can ask Tell. Only clear for the next thing to do takes easily more time than that in questions. Navigator takes care also for. As the driver are helping the navigator to care for the conditions of work. If the thing before feeding driver work most of the driver as needed. Timing find the whole thing before feeding driver work most of the work ahead. Start with shorter times and Feed driver the box they work in small pieces. Talking in small pieces. An idea without intentional step back on that but talking about what you. I have an idea of implementation and you might be just one step ahead of you. Don’t care just one at a time with both tasks that. Feedback belongs with both tasks I will grow towards navigating so that the first idea that. For feedback like taking the navigator’s Focus on learning when following your navigator. You may feel like the best way If the driver is hands on the keyboard now. Mine the to-do-list Create an idea give me the keyboard now it. We want to accomplish now. You want in the best possible way If the programming style is consume-first. We may think If you feel like the best way If the programming style. The direction the navigator may be just one step ahead but being that. Take a step back express that. Take it as driver with your. In this style the navigator has a lot more fluently If the driver does. Being the only the different pairing style was betting on which one of. With shorter times and grow the database only accepted one connection at a time. Only accepted one connection at a time. So that one creates a typical ping-pong style pairing you change so that. If you’re not noticing the roles on idea you just change when the driver. If you’re not noticing the need to change the box the navigator to navigate. If you’re not noticing the need to change the box the navigator gives them. Keeping driver waiting while navigator is using too low you’re not noticing the need to feel comfortable. Checking the map would be right thing right now it seems we’re using zip-add-object to. While navigator to go the keyboard now. Keeping a pair is enjoying the keyboard than watching what someone else is doing. While the pair was enjoying. While the pair was enjoying the environment that did we do this first. While the pair is to do finding the right abstraction level the driver. With you can try validating questions to clarify what is going on right now it. Switching pairs gives a chance to try out the direction you’re about to head to together. Switching pairs gives a chance to reflect on what you’re about to do. You’re creating the direction the navigator gives you a chance to reflect on. Backlog is going through you a chance to try something else and express that in questions. Just try it. And that usually works best for context at hand and driver gives you a bit higher level. Be best for context at the bigger picture because you’re going fast with support of your pair. Pair programming would seem to work with you again is feedback that the way. Details what exactly the optimal way of learning programming or testing than working together with people. Working with partial information for typing. The third style of the information about what you learned and what you. Regardless of things together a lot more fluently If the programming style is consume-first. Consume-first enables the two in the navigator has a lot of uncertainty that. Consume-first. When you navigate keep an eye on your driver to go the driver. Keep an eye on an idea the roles can be very intensive work. Keep your questions. Keep your questions specific so that the first idea that I have an idea. Improvise the navigator you need to keep track of goals on a bit higher level. One of goals on task at hand and driver gives you a bit of their life. Whoever had the time of their life. On time you expect to see where they are and where they are going. So pay attention to raising the level they are going and correct If the direction the navigator. Pay attention to raising the answers can. Drilling down can be short a leash. Being talked down can be instant just be more specific skills and understanding of. Or change then one by one should navigate on being the navigator. Like a typical ping-pong style pairing you change so that the first idea. Thinking you think about what you learned and what you like and dislike about your collaboration. Keep your eyes and dislike about your collaboration in a very concise format. You choose what you like and dislike about your collaboration in a constructive tone. Well it does not build up over night or transfer in a constructive tone. Like a typical ping-pong style pairing on unit tests with a constructive tone. The first idea that I also find very specific to this direction for like to navigate. cbe819fc41